Membership Registration

Terms of Use and Privacy

International privacy regulations require that we obtain your explicit consent for the storage and usage of your personal data as listed below. Please read and respond to each of the statements before proceeding.
By clicking 'I Agree' below, you certify that you have read the Privacy Policy and agree to allow your personal information to be stored and processed in the USA by Robotech Educational Services Inc.; to receive transactional messages (such as payment confirmation notices) sent by Robotech Educational Services Inc.; and to share your personal information with third parties to conduct official club business (such as required for credit card processing).

Parent/Guardian Information

Second Parent/Guardian Information

Primary Address

Child 1

Account Creation

To finish the account creation process, you will recieve an email shortly requesting a password. If the email has not been recieved, please check spam

Membership Agreement Updated 9/1/2022

Attendance / Renewal Policy

It is agreed that the monthly dues is simply to reserve your child’s seat and rent the robot kit that he/she will be using for the month. There will not be any way to make up a session that is missed, receive a credit or to change or move renewal dates due to absences starting September 1, 2022. Renewal dates will be adjusted only when Robotech is closed on your scheduled day.

Adherence to pick up / drop off times

It is the parent's responsibility to provide all transportation to and from any and all Robotech events including weekly meetings as well as any competition or outreach programs. I agree that for any given event I will provide my child transportation home within 15 minutes of the scheduled end time of such event. If transportation is not provided in the 15-minute window I agree to be charged a surcharge amount of $10.00 per incident for the first three times starting in September and ending in August. After the third incident in this time frame the member will be suspended for one week with NO refund or change in the monthly dues along with the $10.00 fee for each lateness until the end of August.

Photo/Video Release

I hereby give my permission for images of my child, captured during Robotech Educational Services Inc. activities through video, photo and digital camera to be used solely for the purpose of Robotech Educational Services Inc. promotional material and publications, and waive any rights of compensation or ownership. Robotech Educational Services will not disclose any personal information.
